How does an Air Handling Unit Work?

An Air Handling Unit (AHU) is a crucial component of HVAC systems, responsible for conditioning and distributing air throughout buildings.

Here’s how an AHU’s Work step by step:

1. Air Intake and Filtration

The process begins with the AHU drawing air from the building through return ducts. Before entering the AHU, the air passes through filters designed to capture dust, pollen, and other airborne particles. These filters ensure that the air circulated back into the building is clean and free from contaminants, thereby improving indoor air quality.

2. Heating or Cooling

Once the air is filtered, it enters the AHU where it encounters the heating or cooling coils, depending on the desired indoor temperature. These coils are filled with either hot water, steam, or refrigerant. In heating mode, the coils warm the air passing through them. In cooling mode, the coils cool the air by removing heat from it.

3. Humidity Control

In addition to temperature control, AHUs also regulate humidity levels within the building. This is typically achieved through humidifiers or dehumidifiers integrated into the AHU system. Humidifiers add moisture to the air when needed, while dehumidifiers remove excess moisture to maintain optimal humidity levels for comfort and health.

4. Air Mixing and Distribution

After being conditioned for temperature and humidity, the air is mixed within the AHU to ensure uniformity. Some AHUs also have mixing chambers where outside air can be blended with return air to achieve the desired air quality and temperature. The mixed air is then distributed through supply ducts to various zones or rooms within the building.

5. Fan Operation

Throughout this process, a fan or blower inside the AHU operates to circulate the air. The fan creates the necessary airflow to move the conditioned air through the ductwork and into the occupied spaces of the building. The speed of the fan may vary based on the demand for air circulation, which is controlled by the HVAC system to maintain comfort and efficiency.

6. Exhaust and Air Exchange

Simultaneously, the AHU facilitates the exhaust of stale air from the building through exhaust ducts. This ensures a continuous flow of fresh air into the building, maintaining oxygen levels and further enhancing indoor air quality. Some AHUs are equipped with heat recovery systems that capture energy from the exhaust air to pre-condition the incoming fresh air, improving energy efficiency.

7. Control and Monitoring

Modern AHUs are equipped with sensors and control systems that monitor parameters such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, and air quality. These sensors ensure that the AHU operates efficiently and effectively, making adjustments as necessary to maintain comfort and optimize energy usage.

What is an Air Handling Unit (AHU)?

An Air Handling Unit is essentially a central unit that circulates and conditions air within a building as part of an HVAC system. It is responsible for regulating air flow, humidity, temperature, and air purity by filtering out dust, pollen, and other particles. The unit comprises several key components:

  1. Blower: This component moves air through the unit, pushing it through the system.

  2. Filters: These capture dust, pollen, and other airborne particles, preventing them from circulating back into the indoor environment.

  3. Heat Exchange Coils: AHUs use coils to either heat or cool the air passing through them, depending on the season and the desired indoor temperature.

  4. Humidifiers/Dehumidifiers: These components adjust the moisture content of the air, ensuring it remains within comfortable and safe levels.

  5. Mixing Chambers: In some AHUs, mixing chambers blend outside air with inside air to maintain optimal temperature and ventilation rates.

Best Air Handling Unit Manufacturers in India

If you are looking for the Best Air Handling Unit manufacturer in India, look no further than Refcon Engineering Works. With a reputation for excellence and innovation, Refcon Engineering Works stands out as a leader in the HVAC industry, offering top-quality AHUs that meet the highest standards of performance, reliability, and efficiency.

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